[pianotech] SAT IV extended

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 27 13:02:23 MST 2009

Why not talk with Paul?  He ought to know... '-]   I have a tech friend who had just got one.   I was surprised at how heavy it is compared to my SAT III...I don't think going heavier is the way to go...he wasn't using FAC at all...I tried to input FAC just like in my SAT III for him, but was unable to get it to make a tuning?   Has that FAC aspect changed?   I'm talking about F5 tune string, then F6 and stop the lights...etc.

I'm thinking more and more about TuneLab for my iphone or Reyburn's setup...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "James Grebe" <jamesgrebe at charter.net>
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Received: 12/27/2009 11:23:15 AM
Subject: [pianotech] SAT IV extended

>I have been using the new machine for about 4 months now and have yet to 
>figure out how to reliably put tunings in the machines EXTENDED memory. 
>Have any of you figured this process out yet?.
>James Grebe Est. 1962
>Piano Tuner-Technician
>Creator of Custom Caster Cups
>Creator of fine Writing Instruments
>1526 Raspberry Lane
>Arnold, MO 63010
>(314) 608-4137
>Become what you believe 

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