[pianotech] SAT IV extended

A440A at aol.com A440A at aol.com
Mon Dec 28 07:30:17 MST 2009

David writes:

>   I don't see the
> > usefulness of memorizing a FAC tuning?   Maybe you or anyone can explain
> > to me the reasoning behind memorizing tunings.   I can understand if you
> > or saving an aural tuning and want to recreate that tuning...
     I don't see the reason for not saving an FAC tuning.   How much time 
is spent on the steps to enter the FAC numbers vs just punching up a saved 
tuning with one button. 
    A tuning, saved, reused, refined each time it is used until there is 
nothing left to perfect, is probably the highest degree of tuning refinement.  
 The strictly aural tuner is required to reinvent the wheel every piano, 
whereas if they saved one of the tunings, the next time that template was 
used, even on the same piano, the   tech is going to find some things from the 
previous tuning that could still be improved.   Once done in the piano, the 
SAT is changed to reflect the latest refining.   Ultimately, you have the 
improvement of many tunings reflected in one program.   Then you can apply the 
real cool things like the pitch raise functions/temperaments, stretch 
changes, etc. to create that master tuning every time, even if you have a cold, or 
noise all over the background as you work. 
The machines are just tools, our results depend on how we use them. 

Ed Foote RPT
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