[pianotech] Beginner's calibration question

Robert Scott fixthatpiano at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 29 06:13:11 MST 2009

David Boyce writes:

> In the end I found this website useful because it has a nice constant
> 440Hz tone (which agreed, beatless, with my tuning fork at 20C)
>  http://www.indiana.edu/~emusic/acoustics/phase.htm

Any tone that you get on your computer from a website is actually rendered based on your soundcard's crystal oscillator for its precise pitch.  Two different computers can go to this same website and get slightly different pitches.  So when you use this source for calibration, the calibration is only as good as the crystal in your soundcard. 

International phone lines do not significantly distort the pitch of the sounds they carry.  So I would trust NIST over the phone lines more than I would trust any random soundcard.

Robert Scott
Ypsilanti, Michigan


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