[pianotech] c clamp

Jim Busby jim_busby at byu.edu
Tue Dec 29 11:51:47 MST 2009

Isaac, (and Brian),

I do this now since you (Isaac) showed it to me. This is by far the fastest method.

The  "old way" was;  simply cut off the pin with large dikes, pull out the pedal, punch out the old part of the pin still in the pedal with a nail punch, replace the pedal, then push a new pin through the hole with a modified C-clap that has a hole in it to permit the pin to pass through the bottom end of the clamp. This may be the tool you were looking for. (Picture attached) Sometimes it was a pain, if not impossible to get the clamp in with all the Trapwork in the way. Sometimes the pin isn't tight in the pedal center so this method won't work. Isaac's innovation is good and works EVERY time, and as usual, he's thought it through well. That's why he gets the big bucks! <G>

Jim Busby

From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf Of Isaac Sadigursky
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 8:22 PM
To: pianotech at ptg.org
Subject: Re: [pianotech] c clamp

 Hi,Brian!   There is a simplier and faster way to do this operation. It was in the Journal a few years ago and last summer I showed it to Jim Bisby,maybe,he can describe it better then me.....Just cut-og=ff the Pedal pivot Pin,inlarge-drill out pivot hole to accept knurled part of the pin
>From the Top of the Pedal drill a hole and tap it to accept a set screw 8/32" or 10/32" and this set screw will keep pivoting pin secure... Makes re-installation of the pedal a breeze...This method was introduced by late Herman Koford,RPT from Los Angeles area.... hope ,it helps... Isaac
On Dec 28, 2009, at 1:56 PM, Brian Doepke wrote:

While reading through an old Journal ( June 2003, page 10) a tool was described that would make it easier to remove the pedals without taking off the bottom board.

However, during the description of the tool used to remove the pedal pivot pin, several critical items were left out.
For example, how big do you make the hole...what size drill bit is required?  3/8" ??

How can anyone get a good ,FLAT< drilling surface when trying to drill through the "top part of the clamp body"?

Mr. Nereson, RPT of Denver uses this tool, and it sounds like a great idea.  But, could I get some more details, please?

Brian P. Doepke, M.Mus.Ed.,RPT
A.A.A. Piano Works, LLC
Piano Tuning + Service

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