[pianotech] was Beginner's calibration question-thermal conductivity

Brian Wilson wilsonpiano at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 29 17:13:19 MST 2009

What I was really trying to ask was ... why do techs warm it up in their
> pockets/underarm? To bring it to the correct hz? If it has been in a 20
> degree room already- then...

Hi Zoe


The reason why techs keep their tuning fork in a jacket or a pocket (don't know why underarm) is to keep the tuning fork at a constant temperature. The tuning fork is calibrated to the jacket/pocket temperature. Whether that is considered obsessive is up to you to decide.

Personally, I would argue to purchase a new tuning fork, for the reason being all the old tuning forks I have found al have been extremely flat. I don't know why that happens.

I generally buy a new John Walker fork every 3 years or so as the blue usually wears off and some slight rusting occurs as well as the occasional nicks due to accidental drops.

Then I calibrate the fork as I haven't had 20 degrees celsius for over 3 months!

(btw my Japanese Stainless steel fork is less sensitive to temperature changes)

The last few tunings I performed all had rooms of 30 degrees celsius or higher. So then the point of keeping the fork in the jacket becomes pointless.

Happy New Year

Brian Wilson


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