[pianotech] Applying PVC-E to new plastic keytops

David Boyce David at piano.plus.com
Thu Dec 31 15:19:11 MST 2009

Thank you for that additional information, Mike.

What's the glue called? Or under what subject was it previously 
mentioned on the list, so's to know what to search for?

Many thanks,

David Boyce.

 >For gluing:
 >We use a glue only available in Europe that is thicker and has more 
solids than pvc-e, bonds stronger than pvc-e, and dries nearly white. It 
is used by the German keyboard manufacturers for applying plastic to new 
 >keyboards. We have sold a lot of it, and have mentioned it several 
times on this list over the years. We initially discovered the glue 
after we discovered mineral plastic (about 2 years ago) and have been 
using it exclusively >ever since.

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