[pianotech] S&S "D" Keys with Attachments on To

John Delacour JD at Pianomaker.co.uk
Thu Feb 12 15:03:05 PST 2009

At 16:43 -0600 12/2/09, Michael Magness wrote:

>On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Ron Nossaman wrote:
>>I used yellow poplar in this one. The original had both top plates 
>>and buttons, and needed new buttons. To stiffen the keys...
>I know my pics were lousy but I'm certain you can see the difference 
>between the clean neat not over the top job you did and the less 
>than stellar job performed on the piano in question.

What puzzles me is that you are able to tell the difference in this 
case between a proper job and a botch, and yet, in the case of the 
totally non-stellar eyes on the bass strings you brought up in the 
last thread, after 40 years of experience with properly made eyes you 
were unable to see that these were quite unacceptable in every 
possible way.


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