[pianotech] Advice

Matthew Todd toddpianoworks at att.net
Tue Feb 24 08:51:03 PST 2009

I had a client leave me a voicemail wanting some additional work in the future.  She has in her mind that the felts (i'm assuming the punchings and/or key rebushing) need replacing, because the piano is getting harder to play.  She just wants a quote so she can plan for it.
Now, are there specific questions I need to ask her over the phone to get more of an idea?  I can always do the work like she asks, but then, it may or may not remedy the problem she is having.  I would rather be certain what she is wanting and be confident that the problem will be resolved when I am thru.
I already tuned her piano several months back, so I really don't want to charge her an additional service call to come out so we can discuss options, because she did mention it to me at the tuning appointment.
I would appreciate to know how to best approach this.

Matthew Todd, Piano Technician 
(979) 248-9578
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