[pianotech] Advice

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco at luther.edu
Tue Feb 24 09:03:43 PST 2009

Matthew Todd wrote:
> I had a client leave me a voicemail wanting some additional work in the 
> future.  She has in her mind that the felts (i'm assuming the punchings 
> and/or key rebushing) need replacing, because the piano is getting 
> harder to play.  She just wants a quote so she can plan for it.

NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING!!!  I've had customers refer to the hammers as 

Be absolutely certain that you aren't talking apples and oranges before 
you talk dollars and cents.

> Now, are there specific questions I need to ask her over the phone to 
> get more of an idea?

Yeah, like... "can I drop by when I'm doing some other tunings in your 
area?". That way you can do a gratis visit and not impinge on your earnings.

   I can always do the work like she asks, but then,
> it may or may not remedy the problem she is having.

Unless she is taking a cell phone picture with her hand touching the 
thing she calls "felt", do it in person. Even then, there may be things 
she doesn't see/know about which may be causing her displeasure. You 
might solve a symptom instead of a problem.

Take a look-see.

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT - Keyboard Technician
Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
1-(563)-387-1204 // Fax 1-(563)-387-1076

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