[pianotech] Premium service

Ed Foote a440a at aol.com
Wed Mar 10 14:33:22 MST 2010


Ok, help me out here. I've explained myself three or four times now, without apparent result, so I'll give up. How do you guys price this work? Are people everywhere but here ready to spend $100+ to have their piano cleaned? 
Ron N 

 I price my work by $100 per hour, and a tuning is expected to be no more than 90 minutes. When things come up that require me to spend more time, the hourly rate is in effect.  Practically, this means that if I arrive at a house and spend two hours in there, the bill is $200. that might mean a complete pitchraise/bolt tightening/tuning, or it might mean 1 hour and 12 minutes tuning, and 48 minutes disassembling the pedals and trapwork to find the squeak, or it might mean the extra 20 minutes it takes to vacuum the piano out.  Whatever it takes.  
  Our time is all we have to sell. I don't get in the habit of giving it away.  Most of my customers have been with me more than 20 years, and many of them 30.  
Ed Foote RPT

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