[pianotech] Action inertia FW versus SW

Ed Foote a440a at aol.com
Thu Mar 18 05:10:32 MDT 2010

 >>The pianist feels that he loses control and a sense of weightthrough the stroke.  Also, because this fly-away issue controllingpianissimo playing is difficult and must be done with the utmost caution in armweight (I can tell this myself as a player).  

 In response I wrote: 

 " I wouldtake a close look at the "magic line", and see if perhaps the capstancontact patch is moving through the line very early.  If so, you have adecreasing action ration from almost the start.  A larger knuckle willmove the crossing point lower, possibly restoring a bit of control onppp.  
       If capstan placment on the new keys is tooclose to the balance rail, there may also be a slowing down of the action dueto FW getting the upper hand with the leverage. "

David asks: 

>If that were the case, wouldn’t a small strip of actioncloth to build up the wippen cushion achieve the same goal without having tochange the knuckle?


I think that  would require a lot of cloth. A larger knuckle causes other coincidental arcs to change,(the hammershank/jack interface is of particular importance), which I think also have a fair influence on how the action responds. 

  I will be out of town, starting now, for several days, so I expect this thread to have morphed way past me by the time I return, so 



Ed Foote RPT


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