[pianotech] 2nd bad customer in 10 years

John Dorr a440 at bresnan.net
Tue Mar 23 22:38:14 MDT 2010


I agree with those who advise contacting the FC customers.  You don't know yet 
if they've bought into PPC's baloney.  I'd just call them as if nothing had 
happened, and try to schedule the work you'd planned.  They sound reasonable 
and like they'd be worthwhile customers.  You already showed them that you're 
interested in doing the right thing for them.  If you want to FURTHER show 
them before the work begins, pick one really bad note and regulate IT, and let 
them experience the before and after with it.

If they HAVE bought into PPC's ideas, then say that you'll just send them a 
bill for what you've already done.  Be civil and firm.  Don't berate or 
criticize the piano teacher.  Just say that in YOUR expert opinion, you can't 
service the piano properly any other way.  I like the idea someone else had 
about directing them to ptg.org.

By the way, are we SURE you can't distribute technical bulletins as an 
associate?  I thought it was more about you couldn't use the PTG logo.  Or is 
the logo on the bulletins, and thus illegal for associates' use?  You COULD 
direct them to the website where they could read about it, though!

Keep us posted on how it shakes out.

BTW, I also agree that deleting PPC from your client list is a good move.

John Dorr, RPT
Helena, MT

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