[pianotech] grey market piano's

André Oorebeek concertpianoservice at planet.nl
Sat Mar 27 07:14:58 MDT 2010

On Mar 27, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Porritt, David wrote:

> William, I agree that there is some marketing smoke-and-mirrors in this “seasoned for the market” thing but there is one consistent thing in American homes….we heat and air condition our homes more than the rest of the world.  Here, when it gets really cold, we turn up the furnace - a lot!  In many places they are a little more prone to put on a sweater.  This does dry our air more than most places.  But, of course no one can know where these pianos are going as they leave the factory.
> dp

William, David and list, 
For a time I was more or less involved in the re-conditioning process of used Japanese piano's and the instruments built in other Asian countries.
I was hired by an importer to optimize the regulation in a factory in China so I was right on the front line, so to speak.
I am no longer involved as I chose to do work closer to home but I have gotten some insight in this process and also about the destination of these products.
A lot of energy and money was/is put in optimizing and re-conditioning these piano's and they usually (can) look like they are brand new as they often get a new outside as well and that on a very professional basis (hats off for Chinese workers).
The instruments I was involved in mainly go to Europe and the USA but nowadays also find a buyer in China.
If we look critically at these instruments I would say that their weakness is in the bass strings and the hammers.
The bass strings are often dull and the hammers look nice but are old(er).
The one who pays for the re-conditioning process is responsible for the end quality, not the repair factory as they do what they are told to do and often for a price which is very low.

friendly greetings from
André Oorebeek

Antoni van Leeuwenhoekweg 15
1401 VW, Bussum
the Netherlands

tel :    +31 35 6975840  
gsm : +31 652 388008


"Accordaturi te salutant"

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