new to list - inquiry

Carol R. Beigel
Wed Aug 2 09:45 MDT 2000

Hello there!  I have been on Pianotech and PTG-l for years, but today I need
YOU guys!  I haven't even been lurking, so I have no idea how you all

I have recently looked at all the pianos a local university has and need to
make some recommendations to the proposal writers who hired me.  This
university will be expanding their music department and is willing to spend
whatever it takes to get it accredited.

I know Steinway has guidelines concerning how much labor and parts a
university needs, but I need this info by 8:00 am tomorrow morning!

Right now, I need to know, that if there are currently 24 pianos, how much
tech time should they be prepared to need?  A new building will be built and
more pianos purchased, but right now there are only 24 pianos spread out
over the university.  There are only 4 practice rooms.

When is it necessary to hire a full time technician?  HOw many hours is
reasonable for a contract technician to service these 24 pianos.  most are
in reasonable condition.

Carol Beigel, RPT
Greenbelt Maryland

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