new to list - inquiry

Scott Thile
Wed Aug 2 10:09 MDT 2000

Hi Carol,

Check out the "Guidelines for Effective Institutional Piano Maintenance" on 
the CAUT web site:

The direct link to the guidelines is:

There are also a couple of files available for download (one for Excell and 
one for FileMaker Pro).  If you have one of these programs the files will 
help you calculate the tech hours needed based on information about the 
pianos and performance expectations.  There is also a formula in the 
Guidelines document you can use to do this manually based on the same criteria.

Here is a brief excerpt for you to get you started:

"As stated in the introduction, the College and University Technicians' 
Committee of the Piano Technicians Guild recommends a ratio of one 
full-time technician for every forty to sixty pianos in performance 
oriented institutions. For typical non-performance institutions, a ratio of 
one full-time technician for every sixty to eighty pianos is recommended. 
To facilitate an understanding of why these recommended ratios are 
desirable, we have provided the following outline and description of some 
general standards for piano maintenance required in institutional settings: "

I think you will want to have the entire document to help justify your 
position though.  A nice published copy is available from the HO fir $5, 
but you can print out either the HTML or .PDF versions from the web site if 
you need them for your presentation tomorrow.

We are in the process of revising the guidelines right now, but plugging 
the data for your situation into the formula as it exits now will be a 
really good starting point.

Hope it all goes well for you,
CAUT, Webmaster
Scott E. Thile, RPT
Piano - Instrument Technician
Murray State University, Murray, KY
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