new to list - inquiry

David M. Porritt
Wed Aug 2 10:40 MDT 2000


There are so many considerations in this kind of job.  Steinway has made a pretty good summary, the CAUT committee of 10 years ago did a pretty good job also.  Both the Steinway and CAUT recommendations state a full time tech for 50 - 80 pianos.  In the real world we're indeed fortunate if there is one tech for 100 - 130.  The Caut paper can be seen at  The workload formulas have even been put on an Excel spreadsheet that you can download.  I'd certainly start there.

In addition to the criterion indicated in the CAUT document, there are other less-able-to-be-quantified variables.  The type of school, the number of majors, the number of pianists who practice, the pianists who are performance majors, how many public performances done, etc.  A performance type school will require more work than a Mu-Ed type school.  I know, this probably doesn't help you much.

As for parts needed, Steinway recommends a warehouse full of spare parts.  I frankly don't want to have that much of my money tied up in parts I "might" need 3 years from now.  I get good service from Schaff and Renner, so that by the time I can get to a job, I have the parts I need.  I keep spare dampers, a set of bass strings for Ls, Ms & Bs and lots of treble wire.  Other than that, just spare parts that any good tech keeps for day to day work.

>From what you describe I'd think 8 - 10 hours a week would take care of the situation fairly well.  Just emphasize to them how much of this is an unknown until they actually have their accredited school going.

If we can help any more, please ask.


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On 8/2/00 at 12:03 PM Carol R. Beigel wrote:

>Hello there!  I have been on Pianotech and PTG-l for years, but today I need
>YOU guys!  I haven't even been lurking, so I have no idea how you all
>I have recently looked at all the pianos a local university has and need to
>make some recommendations to the proposal writers who hired me.  This
>university will be expanding their music department and is willing to spend
>whatever it takes to get it accredited.
>I know Steinway has guidelines concerning how much labor and parts a
>university needs, but I need this info by 8:00 am tomorrow morning!
>Right now, I need to know, that if there are currently 24 pianos, how much
>tech time should they be prepared to need?  A new building will be built and
>more pianos purchased, but right now there are only 24 pianos spread out
>over the university.  There are only 4 practice rooms.
>When is it necessary to hire a full time technician?  HOw many hours is
>reasonable for a contract technician to service these 24 pianos.  most are
>in reasonable condition.
>Carol Beigel, RPT
>Greenbelt Maryland

David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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