Dampp-Chaser systems

Don drose@dlcwest.com
Thu Aug 3 16:21 MDT 2000


A bottom cover for grands would be far more important than a *null*
humidstat. Imho. Even the most pumped up DC system draws a maximum of 200
watts. At 10 cents a kilowatt that means 2 cents per hour maximum. On the
other side with the humidifier the max with a 2 bucket system is 18 watts,
or approximately .2 cents per hour again at 10 cents per kilowatt.

When I have used a back cover on uprights water consumption is reduced by
between 1/3 and 1/2, and uprights are already inherently more efficient
than grand systems, when it comes to water useage. Not to mention the much
improved stability of the tuning using a back cover.

At 03:40 PM 08/03/2000 +0200, you wrote:
>Hej Jeff
>On 02-Aug-00, Jeff Tanner wrote:
>> I can only infer from this that therefore, regardless of the outside
>> climate stability (even if it were stable at 42%), the system uses water
>> year round.  The fact that my faculty members refill the tanks relatively
>> often during the summer supports it.
>> I have experienced a slight improvement in tuning stability, but nothing
>> like I had really hoped to see.  Some have commented that the actions seem
>> more consistent, as well.  That also may be due in part to wear.
>IMHO the Humidistat should have two independent calibratable switches, one
>drying and one for humidity. Then you can obtain the minimum water- and
>electricityconsumption for the local climate and not pay (or work) when the
>situation is stable or slow changing.
>Pianoshop Leif Olsen
>D.P.I.F. Denmark
Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.M.T., R.P.T.

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