more inquiries

Carol R. Beigel
Thu Aug 3 19:23 MDT 2000

I have a few more days to wrestle with this proposal, so I am now out of
panic mode.  The spreadsheet done by Dave really helps a lot!  Thanks so
much!  This is my first attempt at proposal writing, and my first attempt at
estimating piano service for a university.

Since there will be only about 30 pianos to start with, this won't justify
having a staff technician.  I am preparing a cost estimate for routine
maintenance, tuning, cleaning, voicing, etc.  HOWEVER, I am also tempted to
price separately the cost of "delivering" these services because parking
will not be available.  The best one can do after traveling in heavy traffic
for an hour, is pay $12 per day in a far away parking lot, and drag all the
tools and stuff up hill and many steps!  I am thinking that 4 pianos could
be done during a normal work day, and charging a "delivery" fee of $100 per
day.  Is this reasonable?  For instance, if I decide that a piano needs
serviced three times a year, and will include tuning, cleaning, voicing and
regulation, and that this will be charged at $100 per visit (3 times per
year), and the cost to deliver this service will be $25 per piano (figuring
4 a day) should I quote this in the budget as just one figure of $125 or
break it down?

Do any of you CAUTS have experience with Disklavier-type pianos in your
fleets?  Do any of your universities use them, and if so, how?  Do you use
upright or grand disklaviers? Do any of your universities use digital
pianos?  Silent pianos?

How musically useable is a piano that looks like a piece of trash, but plays
and tunes acceptably?  Most of the pianos I have seen so far are musically
useable to some extent.  This means that the worst of the useable ones could
remain in areas of dormitory all purpose rooms, room with the ping pong
tables, and student lounges.  However, although the keys and actions work
and look just fine, the cabinets are a total mess!  Some are missing veneer,
legs, music desks and just look horrible!  The finish is ruined on all the
laquer finished ones.  Would it be a good thing to suggest that they take
the better of these studio uprts, paint them so they look better, and place
them in student lounges, game rooms and dormitory multipurpose rooms?

For budget purposes, is maintenance the cost of just labor - tuning,
regulating, cleaning, voicing; and repairs the cost of parts plus the labor
to install and adjust parts?

What is a cheap finish for a piano that is not worth refinishing, and is
this maintenance or repairs?

I really appreciate your input. I did not seek out this venue, they came
after me!  So I guess I am learning something new!

Carol Beigel, RPT
Greenbelt, Maryland

Carol Beigel, RPT
Grateful for you input!

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