more inquiries

David M. Porritt
Fri Aug 4 05:26 MDT 2000


Do all faculty have to park far away and walk to the building with their
books etc.?  I'd probably try to find some better solution to that instead
of a "delivery fee."  I don't really have any experience with campus pianos
i.e. for dorms etc.  SMU has lots of them but they are all under the
director of resident life.  Some of our pianos in the Music School are
pretty rough looking as I've never spent any of my meager budget
refinishing them. 

Is there a school nearby that you could visit for half a day and talk with
their technician?  As wonderful as this list is, I think you could really
gain a lot by a tour and chat with the technician.  How far are you from


David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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