[CAUT] Sacrifice (was tuners- technology)

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Tue, 1 Mar 2005 08:22:00 -0800

Well, I have the magnetic mic for the SAT III but I haven't been thrilled with the pattern on the SAT.   It doesn't seem to pickup that well?   Maybe I'm using it wrong?

David Ilvedson

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: Conrad Hoffsommer <hoffsoco@luther.edu>
To: College and University Technicians <caut@ptg.org>
Received: Tue, 01 Mar 2005 08:51:40 -0600
Subject: RE: [CAUT] Sacrifice (was tuners- technology)

>At 08:35 3/1/2005, you wrote:
>>At 06:35 PM 2/28/2005, you wrote:
>>>If I hear an aural problem with my SAT III assisted tunings it is mainly 
>>>in single octaves and for that reason it is what I keep an ear on.   I 
>>>suspect the a lot of the tuning problems are where I place the SAT.   I 
>>>can move it around and get different readings.   Do any of you SAT users 
>>>find this?
>>I definitely do! When I don't have a clear reading, I can usually move it 
>>some, then where
>>I thought I had the note, I didn't. After I got a clear, stable reading. 
>>Is that clear as
>>mud? :-)
>>>I remember Jim Coleman Sr. mentioning the big thing in moving ETDs 
>>>further on is their mic quality/pickup etc.
>>I really wish they would!
>>>David Ilvedson

>This is one reason for which I use an "outboard" mike for my laptop. Maybe 
>not any better frequency range than the onboard one,  but much better low 
>volumne level.

>Conrad Hoffsommer - Keyboard Technician
>Luther College, 700 College Dr., Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045
>Vox-(563)-387-1204 // Fax (563)-387-1076

>- Right now, I'm hoping to live until my age matches my golf score,
>- Until then, I'll have to be content to have my IQ match my handicap.

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