[CAUT] knuckles & bobbles

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Fri, 04 Mar 2005 08:33:39 -0600

At 08:30 3/4/2005, you wrote:
>In a message dated 3/3/05 6:21:21 P.M. Central Standard Time, 
>okeyes@uidaho.edu writes:
>Just ran across something on one of our D's that I found interesting, but
>perplexing.  There was a bit of hammer bobbling on a few of the notes on a
>soft blow.  These are relatively new hammers, shank & flanges, so made some
>adjustments in let-off since compaction had caused things to get a little
>close.  I like to set the let-off as close as is reasonable, with
>appropriate safety margins.
>I don't believe the bobbling is connected to let off, or to the condition 
>of the knuckle. I think the bobbling is related to the rep spring, and the 
>curvature of the tail. Reduce the rep spring quite a bit, and arc the tail 
>more, and you'll solve your bobbling problem.

Before you play with the spring tension, check the friction in the hammer 
flanges, don't assume just because they are relatively gnu...

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT, CCT, PFP, ACS, CRS.
Decorah, IA

- Certified Calibration Technician for Bio-powered Digitally Activated
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