[CAUT] William Wolfram

Don pianotuna@yahoo.com
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 10:10:03

Hi Wim,

The pianos under your care do not belong to you. You are very passionate
about your work. This is getting in the way.

Win an argument with a faculty member and create an enemy. Pointing out
that the performer will have to come back has placed you in the position of
his enemy. 

If someone says a note is out of tune, retune it (to exactly where it was
before if you believe it to be right), and ask if it is improved. If they
say "yes", then that's a "win" for your side. If someone only objects to
two notes--fix them, and count yourself lucky that they can't hear.

At 10:39 AM 3/8/2005 EST, you wrote:
>Guess what, we only agreed on two notes. The rest he didn't say anything 
>about. When I pointed them out, he said they sounded fine to him. (He said 
>one was just out of tune, which it wasn't). What frustrated me, is that he 
>didn't stick around. He left after a few minutes. So I just fixed the three 
>notes he said needed work, and closed up the piano. But I did send him an 
>email explaining my frustration, basically stating that the problem we have 
>is that I hear things different than he does, and that is why communicating 
>is so important. I also pointed out that he now has to come back and play
>piano again, before his recital, and show me if there are any more notes he 
>wants corrected. 

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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