[CAUT] William Wolfram

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 11:03:53 -0600

At 10:45 3/8/2005, you wrote:
>It was this sort of situation that would prompt my dad to ask the 
>question, "So, did he kiss you, too?"  The faculty calling in another tech 
>without telling you is about as far from a "warm fuzzy" as you can 
>get.  Your personality and behavior may be exacerbating the situation (see 
>Don Rose's comments), but it looks like there is more to it than 
>that.  Definitely glean as much information as you can from what the other 
>guy did, to find objective reasons why they might be more pleased.  Also, 
>remember that the fact that Somebody Else worked on the piano is probably 
>a factor, too.
>The first few months I was here at Missouri, I had a devil of a time 
>keeping everybody happy with the recital hall pianos, and I've been doing 
>local concert tuning for years.  The piano faculty came to me and 
>suggested I call in my predecessor, who I have known for years and is now 
>semi-retired, for some consultation.  I did so and learned a lot about 
>what they like, and things are a lot better now.  Going behind your back 
>like that is another matter entirely.  I may be overreacting, but I would 
>be very insulted and unsettled if it happened to me.  I hope you have your 
>parachute ready.  You at least have some serious fence-mending to do, and 
>it looks like the initiative will have to be all yours.
>Ken Z.

Having someone else come in on "your" instruments voids the warranty, 
doesn't it?

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT, CCT, PFP, ACS, CRS.
Decorah, IA

- Certified Calibration Technician for Bio-powered Digitally Activated
   Lever Action Tone Generation Systems.
- Pianotech Flamesuit Purveyor
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