[CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:30:39 -0500

Thomas D. Seay, III wrote:

> Well, how about the top flange or its set screw touching the sostenuto 
> rail?

Tom, it's not the Sos rail..but

> I seem to recall that the Mason & Hamlin's of that vintage have some 
> sort of oddball sostenuto rail which is almost impossible to regulate 
> up and down or in and out. 

That's true..this M&H has that config..but that's not the problem.

Final clue: it is in the damper system..specifically B2..and if you know 
how this particular damper system works, then you have an excellent 
chance of guessing the problem..which I already know..I'm looking for 
the remedy. I have an idea, but I want to see if my colleagues know of 
an easier way than what appears to me to be 'the' solution..


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