[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 16:52:23 EST

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In a message dated 3/17/05 1:13:04 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
Cramer@BrandonU.ca writes:

In most cases, assuming good regulation,  string-leveling, tuning, etc., this 
may be "all" that's required. Just be  sure to run a slow chromatic scale and 
listen to every note in all three pedal  positions.

What I have done, to give myself a "guide" as to where the action is, is  put 
a mark on the keyframe, and then three marks on the keybed. The first mark  
for rest position, a second mark with action shifted about half way, and third  
at complete shift. It gives me a reference point. I can shift exactly at half 
 way, or to the left or right of the middle mark. 
I also have made sure all the hammers hit the strings in the same  place, (as 
per your suggestion). I learned that at Steinway last summer. What I  have to 
remember is to make sure the hammers are not only in the right position,  but 
that they are level, shaped, etc. Sometimes I get to looking for one  
particular problem, and forget to consider the other possible reasons why  one of 
notes doesn't sound right.
Thanks for the advice

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