[CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Danny L Tassin tassin@msu.edu
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:33:24 -0500

Well,OK Phil,  Out with it: the cat is out of the bag, and ... my cat is 
lying over here dead from curiosity.
Time is money, and we don't have much of either.  Tell us, tell us, so we 
can help you.  Seeing is believing, but I can't believe what you are seeing.
Will you have to pull the whole back action to correct the problem, or is 
"that" what you are trying to avoid ?? 

Dan Tassin, RPT
MSU-SOM Piano Tech.
E.L., MI 

 -- Life never appears to be what it really is,
  But, hindsight is always = 20/20. 


> That's the easy part..I can tell you exactly what is wrong..my problem is 
> the solution to the problem..which appears to be asking for more trouble. 
> -Phil 

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