[CAUT] Today's Puzzler.

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 19:31:04 -0500


Thanks for the suggestions that have been generated from this post. 
Here's the problem:

Michelle said:

<you've got a floppy damper wire in the guide rail which is very close 
to the plate because of the break and you're scared to shim it. >

..and that's about as close as it gets. I have only seen this type of 
configuration once before..there is no way to remove an individual 
underlever..or at least no way that I was able to see.

It looks like a broken upright damper spring on its side. The click is 
coming from the spring because it has become dislodged from its 
groove..or it's broken. Since it was B2, I was able to see it rather 
clearly and replicate accurately.

Is there a way to remove an single underlever without a screw visible? 
There's 2 large ones at either end of the damper tray...

Again, thanks for the replies.


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