[CAUT] excessive pedaling?

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 05:52:51 EST

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In a message dated 3/17/2005 7:16:19 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
fssturm@unm.edu writes:

3)  Before proceeding, make doubly sure you have spaced the hammers (and 
adjusted  the una corda stop screw) as near perfectly as possible, by playing each 
note  in turn with pedal fully depressed, muting the right two strings with a 
rubber  mute.

Thank you for all the advice. I do everything you have suggested. As a  
matter of fact, I am going to be teaching a class at the convention on just this  
subject, (spacing). It's call "Have heat gun, will travel". It about burning,  
spacing, and traveling hammers. 
In regard to the pedaling, as I mentioned, I have never seen a piano player  
use the pedal as much as this guy does. I mean, he literally rides the thing,  
almost as much as the sustain pedal. I don't think I have ever see him NOT 
use  it, to some degree. 
I read a paper once where a pianist, who also rode the pedal a lot, was  
forced to play a recital without the use of the una corda pedal. He had to  adjust 
his playing style completely, playing expressively. The review stated he  
never sounded so good. That is why I think this professor thinks he is playing  
expressively, because he pumps the pedal a lot, but I don't hear the nuances he 
 is trying to create. 

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