[CAUT] Pulley keys.

Roger Jolly roger.j@sasktel.net
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 11:22:31 -0600

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At 09:42 AM 3/25/2005, you wrote:
>Hi Roger,
>     So you are actually using the PVC-E as a gap-filler to a large 
> extent, judging from the pic and your description. I guess that makes 
> sense, as it has enough flexibility/spring when dry to keep from being noisy,

Hi Fred

>  like, say tite-bond (how would I know that?)   Oh my! did you you do 
> that silly thing.   I would never do that......... again.(G)

>     Love those felt knuckles.   Yep! sells a set of hammer shanks every 
> time, plus an action weight off.  Want to buy some used lead.   It's 
> quality Steinway lead.

Regards Roger

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