[CAUT] Baldwin Info

Avery Todd atodd@uh.edu
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 08:29:34 -0600


At 10:33 AM 3/27/2005, you wrote:
>Is the Baldwin name cast in the plate?

I'm pretty sure it is. Also, the decal on the flange rail extension I 
mentioned also looks like a factory thing.

>I've seen a lot of counterfeit "Baldwins" over the years with some strange 
>things on it.  The 6090 could be a factory work number.

Tom Driscoll said on pianotech that it wasn't the serial number, so I'm 
sure you're correct.

>In recent times, the shortest Baldwin with a 20-note bass has been the "L" 
>(6'3") preceded by the "C".  Did it have a folding fall board?

Yes. A two-piece type that you have to halfway open up to get it and the 
cheek blocks back in. It also had the spring type "locator" that the cheek 
blocks fit onto coming out from the keyframe instead of the pin.

Being a lodge, it's a "pain" to get into because of being closed most of 
the time, plus an alarm that has to be dealt with, so I guess I'll just 
have to wait until the next time I'm called back to tune.

Thanks for all the replies.


>David M. Porritt
>-----Original Message-----
>From: caut-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces@ptg.org] On Behalf Of 
>Avery Todd
>Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 9:38 AM
>To: College and University Technicians
>Cc: avery1@houston.rr.com
>Subject: [CAUT] Baldwin Info
>I worked on a Baldwin grand Saturday and I have a question about the serial
>number. The plate has been redone sometime in the past but the serial number
>was not replaced. I found the number 6090 on the cheek blocks & key slip.
>Would I be correct in assuming this is the serial number? If so, the Atlas
>lists that as being built between 1895 & 1900. That seems a little old for
>this instrument.
>It's app. 5'+ long (I didn't have a tape measure with me), has a 20 note
>bass with 7 notes (F2-B2 in the tenor) also having bass strings. It's
>obviously been restrung more than once (it has 6/0 tuning pins!).
>Except for the 20 note bass on a small piano (Baldwin doesn't, do they?)
>the only other thing that seemed different was the action rail where the
>hammer flanges are screwed on. It was painted a gold color, with a ledge
>app. ¾" - 1" wide extending out from where the screws are and a factory
>type, small Baldwin decal on it. I've never seen an action with that ledge
>before. but it was very handy for holding travel paper! :-)
>My primary question though, is about the age. The instrument is now in a
>Masonic Lodge & the  lady who originally owned the piano told my customer
>(who plays there) that she had bought it new in the 1960's. Just because
>of the action frame design alone, I seriously, seriously doubt that it was
>new then!
>Can anyone confirm about the serial number location(s)? Thanks.
>Avery Todd, RPT
>Moores School of Music
>University of Houston
>Houston, TX 77204-4017

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