[CAUT] Story & Clark Prelude 152

Conrad Hoffsommer hoffsoco@luther.edu
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 04:33:18 -0600

At 20:56 3/30/2005, you wrote:
>I received a call from a music store about a squeaking pedal on a new 
>Story & Clark Prelude 152 baby grand.  Two other tech's have looked at it 
>and have not been able to find the problem.  This piano is made in China, 
>it has the coil springs above the trap work against the piano.  I will be 
>going to look at this next week.  Anyone had any experience with this 
>problem on these pianos?  I am usually able to find these problems, but 
>any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Clarence Zeches

I dealt with one PSO horizontal spinet which had a squeak/creak/groan of 
the una corda. (depending on speed of use)  Traced it down to glide studs 
set in very soft wood. Studs were just a little loose and neither stud nor 
keybed had lubrication.  Noise was piano equivalent of a playing card in 
bicycle spokes...


Conrad Hoffsommer

Early to rise: early to bed;
Makes a man healthy, and socially dead.

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