[CAUT] nickel ferrules and casters

Willem Blees wblees at bama.ua.edu
Mon Sep 11 20:13:13 MDT 2006


Have you looked in the Schaff catalog? They have several sizes of 
ferules and casters. As Barbara suggested, take the brass ones and get 
them plated. If you can't find anyone local, I will give you the name 
and address of a company in St. Louis that did my plating when I was 
there, who always did a great job. 

Willem Blees, RPT
Piano Tuner/Technician
School of Music
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, AL USA

Quoting Tim Geinert <geinert at drtel.net>:

> There is a M&H AA in the shop for refinishing, and it needs new leg
> ferrules and casters in nickel.  Does anyone have any suggestions for
> finding nickel plated parts?  All I can find in the supply catalogues
> is brass, and even they are not exactly the right size.  I have toyed
> with the idea of getting those and having them nckel plated.  
> Thanks.
> TimG

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