FAC adjustments

Patrick C.Poulson pcpoulso@pacbell.net
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 20:56:07 -0800

Hello Jim: So nice to hear that you are back on the active list. I have a
question for you, if you don't mind my picking your brain. I have a SAT II,
and occasionally I will find that it gives widely stretched octaves in the
lower temperment area. This has occured on several consoles, the last one
being a Shoninger. This one was typical of this kind of problematic piano in
that the reading on the F3 note had a very high value, around 18 as I
recall, and A4 was much lower, around 8.  I had octaves over 4 cents wide in
the lower temperment area, and had to raise the lower notes up to get
acceptably beating octaves. This problem doesn't seem to always happen with
high F values, curiously enough, just on a few pianos.  I seem to recall you
talking about a way of changing the FAC values to narrow the octaves, but
kind find it in my notes. Could you repeat them for me, or perhaps direct me
to a Journal article in which you talk about this? Thanks and best wishes,
Patrick Poulson, RPT

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