Tight wippen centers

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 18:01:06 -0500

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Wim and Ric,

I disagree.  How can you get burned if you give the customer the full
story up front?

I try the easy thing first, since it is inexpensive, and my experience
has been that more often than not it does the job.  If one informs the
customer that you are trying to save them money and more extensive work
may still be necessary, you can still charge them if you have to go
"whole hog."

Think of a business which advertises, "We do it right the first time."
In general I feel good about businesses like that, but then I realized
that to make that promise they may end up doing three or four
procedures, just to be sure to solve the problem, when only one was
really needed.  And of course, you pay for all that extra work.  I guess
it comes down to knowing your clientele and being up front with them.


> Wimblees@aol.com wrote:
>> There is no substitute for doing the job right in the first place. I
>> have had several instances where I tried doing the easy thing, only
>> to get burned. I have learned the hard way that the only method for
>> eliminating sluggish action centers, and especially the wippen
>> centers, is to repin. Yes, it's a little more time consuming, but if
>> you tell the customer right from the start that the only way to fix
>> the problem is to spend X number of dollars to make the repair, it
>> will be done with, and you won't have to go back later to do it
>> right. And that second time will cost you money.
> Richard Brekne wrote:
> Wim, we agree 100 % on this one. This has been my experience as well.
> The only thing I will add to centers now is teflon powder.... while
> repinning. I just find that anything else is nearly always more
> trouble then its worth, and at its very best a rather temporary
> solution.

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