"OT" Summary 3-24-03 to 3-30-03

David Skolnik davidskolnik@optonline.net
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 05:45:27 -0500

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  I'll continue to separate my list mail for the next few weeks in order to 
provide this, truly invaluish information.  Then I will get a life.

First - Corrected totals for week of 3-17 to 3-23 were:
Technical posts = 359
Non-Technical posts = 80

Tally for the past week (3/24 - 3/30) was complicated by a date-sorting 
issue in Eudora, which may, in fact, be related, in some way, to one of the 
0T topics of the week, regarding computer clocks.  It's only relevance is 
that a few posts might, technically, belong to this current week (3-31 to 

In any case, here is the weeks tally and list of OT subjects:

Technical =     361
Non-Technical =  83

>"OT" Summary 3-17-03 to 3-23-03         (9)
>(no subject)    (2)
>Barbara Fandrich?       (4)
>CWRS  (4)
>Ernie Juhn
>Hello to old friends and those I haven't met yet!!    (3)
>left in leg in....
>Re: Off Topic But On Target--US Department of Defense-send our troops
>OT - Avery's question re. me and PNWC
>OT-Computer clock       (17)
>OT was RE: Falsies      (2)
>OT-Totally, but important       (3)
>Pacific Northwest Convention    (4)
>Re: Pictures on the list/Digest    (9)
>RE Politics...was something else        (4)
>Relevant OT (?) was  - Computer clock   (6)
>Spam Alert: Re: keyboards
>Re: String Splicing pictures    (4)
>Re: Thomas A. Sheehan   (4)
>Re: Would you miss this list?

As a reminder, this is my, somewhat arbitrary designation of OT or 
Non-Technical, which, I am certain, are not always the same thing. For 
example, Pacific Northwest Convention is not technical, as such, but it's 
not as OT as, say ...send the troops .   It seems to me that what allows 
for the flow in our virtual bar room may not be the easiest to subsequently 
navigate as a reference tool.  I wouldn't choose to auto-delete any of the 
above, yet, when I refer back to the week's "distilled" list of technical 
posts, there is a certain clarity of focus that I don't otherwise feel.

David Skolnik

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