False beats

Carl Teplitski koko99@shaw.ca
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 17:42:44 -0600

Lurked your message, and curious what M.I.T says.
The others I'm familiar with.

Carl / Winnipeg

Alan Forsyth wrote:

> >Is there any truth to the old belief that bringing pitch up in small
> stages,
> >over time, helps to prevent false beats?
> Yes indeed, I have detected false beats becoming apparent when pitch
> raising, mind you quite severe pitch raises - 200 cents. The likely cause is
> the kinks in the string (formed after years of being in contact with the
> bridge pins) being pulled through to the speaking length. The kinks take
> quite a while to straighten out but I have found that an immediate pitch
> raise to concert pitch is more beneficial than a few false beats here and
> there.
> Regards
> Alan Forsyth , FWIW, BTW, IMHO, MIT.
> Edinburgh
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