OT: Windows Update keeps tabs on all system software

Jonathan Finger johann@tollidee.com
Sun, 6 Apr 2003 00:09:35 -0700

Ned, Windows and other MS programs do indeed phone home frequently.  A
firewall is a great way to stop them.  Most of their communication is
harmless though.  Windows XP does like to phone home and tell it's
bosses what you've been doing though. :)  Again, XP is a great OS, and
this problem is easily avoided with a decent firewall.  For the best
protection, run an application based firewall to allow you to monitor
communications in and out, and then a more powerful firewall program if
needed.  In some instances, if you have sensitive business information,
or a VPN, or some other reason that you really don't want intruders; it
is easy to purchase a hardware firewall.  This way you can specify what
ports can be accessed by which protocols.

Jonathan Finger RPT

-----Original Message-----
From: pianotech-bounces@ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces@ptg.org] On
Behalf Of Ned Swift
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 4:41 PM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Re: OT: Windows Update keeps tabs on all system software

When I got my cable modem, I was concerned about hackers.  While I had
antivirus program, I read that hackers some times plant non viral
that attack other PCs.  And that the hackers especially like PCs with
speed access.  So, I bought a firewall program.

The firewall program allowed me to decide which programs get to access
internet automatically, and which do not.  I was amazed at the number of

time that the MS programs wanted to access the internet in a one hour 
period.  They were very annoying and I finally denied them access to the

Internet.  Prior to having the firewall, I would not have known that
even accessed the internet.  FWIW

Ned Swift
Lowell, MI

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