dithering (bobbling) hammers/vertical aftertouch

Dave Nereson dnereson@dim.com
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 01:36:52 -0600

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    ----- Original Message -----=20
    From: Avery Todd=20
    To: Pianotech=20
    Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 2:43 PM
    Subject: Re: dithering (bobbling) hammers/vertical aftertouch


    But if it comes away "that" far (more than 3/16"), I would think =
    would be some
    other problem. I'd think that that would be MORE than enough to keep =
a hammer
    from "dithering"! :-)

    Yes, I was just commenting on Terry's having thought he heard that =
some Yamahas (?) were supposed to have the jack half way to the catcher =
at full dip.  According to the PTG exam specs, this is way too far.  =
Talking about aftertouch now, not bobbling hammers.   If at full dip, =
the jack is away from the butt just the tiniest amount, yes, that should =
keep the hammer from bouncing on it.   --David Nereson, RPT=20

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