S & S backaction

Nelson. Gene (PWA) nelsong@SacCounty.NET
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 14:26:08 -0700

It is the taper and length. Just one pass and you have piloted a hole
exactly matched to the screws in the kit. Plus it has a longer shank that
you will discover that you will need so the chuck is not hitting the
underlever. Jobbers are too short. Renner bit makes the job go faster for
those reasons. I cannot say that it is worth $40. but I liked it.
Gene Nelson

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Newell [mailto:gnewell@ameritech.net]
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 14:12
To: pianotech@ptg.org; MPT@philbondi.com
Subject: S & S backaction


For those of you who have installed a "Renner" back action on an S & S "D", 
do I need the special $40 drill bit? I have a fairly good assortment of 
drill bits, numbered, lettered, and fractional. Is there something special 
about the bit from Renner USA that makes the job easier? Is it shank length 
or what? They seem reluctant to share the information with me.

Greg Newell

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