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Killer Octave Question

John Hartman [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015] [link redacted at request of site owner - Jul 25, 2015]
Sat, 12 Apr 2003 22:08:40 -0400

Ron, You Wrote,

No, I'm still on the first one. I doubt the rest will never be 
addressed, but I'd still like an answer to this one. If I ever get it, 
we'll try the next. If the crowned bridge supports soundboard crown, as 
you said,

This is what I originally said to Owen:

"I am  no scientist and I don't have a degree in engineering but it 
seems perfectly logical and consistent to machine the bottom of the 
bridge to more or less follow the crown created by the ribs. I would 
think this would add to the overall strength and durability of the whole 
soundboard. I don't know what it does to the tone but a soundboard that 
lasts longer will sound better longer."

Ron, Please note I did not say "the crowned bridge supports soundboard 
crown" .Don't paint me into a corner by misrepresenting what I said.

And you wrote further:

why do so many Steinways (with crowned bridges) have negative soundboard 
crowns before they even get out of the showroom? There is a fundamental 
contradiction here I'm trying to get you to answer to.

My answer:

"We see these problems because of a lack of craftsmanship not 
necessarily because crowning the bridges doesn't work. I don't know if 
it really helps or not but if it doesn't help it is not necessarily an 
explanation for why the pianos made today have these problems. Your 
question is loaded with a contradiction.

The reasoning of the your question is: Steinway Pianos have problems 
with negative crown. Steinway pianos have crowned bridges. So crowned 
bridges don't support crown."

I am sorry but I am not biting on this hook any longer.

John Hartman RPT

John Hartman Pianos
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