Anyone need a job?
Thu, 17 Apr 2003 22:22:50 -0500

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Yes, he's very poopular at parties.

Alan Barnard
Grateful No One Dumps On My Crappy Pianos in Salem, MO
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []On
Behalf Of Joe And Penny Goss
  Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 9:38 PM
  To: Pianotech
  Subject: Re: Anyone need a job?

  Mother dubs you king of pun. Great posty! Still grinning ear to ear.
  Joe Goss
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Robert Goodale
    To: Pianotech
    Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2003 5:02 PM
    Subject: Re: Anyone need a job?

    Talk about a real crappy job, this one hits the fan!   It could prove to
be a pile of work.  I'd say that urine for some trouble.  I hope it doesn't
turn out to be a smear campaign.  Before you take the big plunge have the
hindsight to bring along some professional strength "liquid tuner".  If you
see the guy who did it I'd suggest giving him a good wippen.  What a
squatter!  I guess you might say that his performance really stinks.  Of
course that would explain his wanting to practice tinkling on the ivories.
I suppose as long as it all came out in the end.  Maybe he just prefers a
stool over a piano bench.  Well it sounds like you've got a leg up on things
but I'm glad you gave us the scoop.  By the way, if some of the keys don't
work you might want to try giving them a little "jiggle".

    Is this getting to be a little too much to digest?

    Rob Goodale, RPT
    Las Vegas, NV

      The local hospital has four pianos which I have been servicing
regularly for a number of years. One grand old upright in the extended care
terminally ill lock-in area, had an old alzheimer-afflicted patient, who was
in a hurry to get to the toilet, mistook the keybed for a toilet seat, and
defecated all over it.

      I'm booked every day until next week. They have offered me unlimited
budget. I haven't seen it yet. I have warned not to put water on it. They
also will supply rubber gloves, white coat, and face mask.

      In 25 years in the piano industry, this is the worst yet.

      Happy Easter, list.

      Kenny Finlayson, RPT

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