Oversimplifications Paraphrased, WAS Re: The market place - nip this before it starts

Bill Ballard yardbird@vermontel.net
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 20:06:50 -0400

At 6:31 PM -0400 4/23/03, David Skolnik wrote:
>Posing the question as I did was a gross oversimplification of the 
>discussions contained in those subject threads.  I do recommend 
>reading through them.  I would need to review a few of them before 
>trying to paraphrase the debate.  I'll try to do it soon, unless 
>someone else gets to it first.

While we're at it, why don't we rename this thread. The survival of 
piano making ideas in the market place is a long way from the chicken 
and egg question we now have. <g>

Mr. Bill

".......true more in general than specifically"
     ...........Lenny Bruce, spoofing a radio discussion of the Hebrew 
roots of Calypso music

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