Stuyvesant grand piano

Avery Todd
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 15:52:17 -0500


This was just forwarded to me from our music office.

Anyone want to take a crack at telling me what to say to her? If it
needs a new "pinboard" :-), I have a hard time believing that that
piano would fetch 2-$3,000. Am I correct? I'm also not familiar with
this brand. I've heard the name but that's all! Thanks.


>I attended U of H as a graduate student in biology many years ago. I know 
>that U of H has a very fine music department and was hoping that you could 
>give me someone to email, talk to, etc. I have a Stuyvesant grand piano 
>S/N 21863 built about 1910. It needs a new pinboard, hammers, and strings. 
>There are no cracks in the soundboard. Is it worth restoring? The 
>technician said that I could probably get $2000-$3000 for it as is. It 
>would run about $6000-$7000 to restore. I read that pianos from the turn 
>of the century are a better quality than later years. All I know about 
>Stuyvesant is that it was bought by Aeolian after the depression.
>Thank you for any help you can give me.

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