Semi-log scale design

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 26 Apr 2003 20:01:58 -0500

>While I am familiar with techniques for laying out the old bridge pattern
>on a new cap, in order to keep everything aligned,  what is the basic
>technique when you lay out a new pattern on a newly made or layed out
>bridge to insure that the strings line up with the guide rails and such.

The easiest is with a paper pattern made from the old bridge, strings, and 
hitch pins before taking off the strings. Make corrections as offsets from 
the scale you took from the original.

>Maybe this is a big question to post here, perhaps someone can direct me to
>some reading if there are any existing articles.
>David Love

I don't know of anything specific, unless there's something in the Journal CDs.

Ron N

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