Tuning for Andre Watts

VOCE88@aol.com VOCE88@aol.com
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 09:13:14 EDT

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In a message dated 4/25/2003 6:26:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, rrg@unlv.edu=20

> I'm tuning for Andr=E9 Watts this weekend.  He wants to meet with me sever=
> hours before the concert.  Can anyone who has worked with him before=20
> provide some insight on what to expect with him?  Picky?  Nice vs jerk? He=
> brought his own S&S D artist series grand.
>  =20
> Rob Goodale, RPT
>  Las Vegas, NV

How did it go, Rob??

I assume the tuning was last night. I have never tuned for Andre Watts, but=20
have spent some time with him through a fundraising concert of his that we=20
(Cunningham Piano) sponsored. He was gracious, well grounded, and genuinely=20=
nice guy.=20

I am sure he is pretty picky when it comes tuning. Like someone else already=
said, it willreflect on his performance.

Rich Galassini
Cunnningham Piano Co.
Phila., Pa.

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