Electric Hammer Shank Bending Pliers

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@cox.net
Mon, 28 Apr 2003 15:46:02 -0500

>For bending upright hammer shanks. How do you solve the problem of a 
>slightly bent shank?
>Terry Farrell

Wasn't a real good question, was it? What I meant was is this for field 
work, or shop hammer installation? I rarely come across anything out there 
in the world that can't be spaced without bending the shank - then there's 
the having to go find a tool in the truck, etc. For twisting shanks and 
heating the screw to pull shank stubs, I carry a long necked charcoal 
lighter. FLAME! Replacing butts and shanks in the shop, I've not had the 
need to bend shanks. I have one of the non-electric benders in the drawer 
that hasn't seen a shank in a very long time. So I was curious how you guys 
use them.

Ron N

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