Refinishing list

David M. Porritt
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 08:20:08 -0500

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On April 18 I asked these lists if there would be interest in
starting a separate list for piano refinishing.  I got some responses
and the voting was 2/1 in favor or starting the refinishing list.
That list has now been established.

If you want to subscribe to the refinishing list go to:

All the subscribing, unsubscribing and other list functions are
exactly like the other lists.  After you have subscribed, you can
send your messages to  As with all of the other
lists, this is a "closed" list, that is only subscribed members can
send messages to it.  This keeps all spamers off the list.  Please
send any questions about the list to   I hope this
meets a need, and is a success.

Dave Porritt, co-chair
Electronic Communications Committee
David M. Porritt
Meadows School of the Arts
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX 75275

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