Petrof Sticking Keys
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 09:56:34 EDT

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I have been called out to service many sticking "keys," as the customer said, 
and found that in probably 50% of the occurrences, it was not the key at all, 
but negative lost-motion(hammer butts sitting on jacks) that caused the 
problem, particularly in newer pianos.  Make sure you check to see that all 
of the jacks can get back into place before you squeeze keys!

Dave Stahl

In a message dated 4/28/03 11:34:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I have a customer with a Petrof console piano which has many sticking keys.  
> The piano is 2 years old and was purchased new in Michigan and moved to 
> Maine.  The home is near the ocean, but the customer does not think her 
> home is very damp because other things made of wood in the home seem to be 
> very dry.  I would like to know if other Petrof pianos in general have been 
> known to have tight key bushings which start to stick easily if there is 

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