Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

Cy Shuster
Tue, 6 May 2003 18:38:34 -0500

This is the mystery of both front and back duplexes, to me.  Whether or not
they're perfectly tuned to the struck string, won't some other unmuted
segment vibrate sympathetically at some time?  There should be enough energy
going up and down the bridge to excite some nearby segment that happens to
have a harmonic relationship, no?

--Cy Shuster--
Rochester, MN

----- Original Message -----
From: "gordon stelter" <>
To: "Pianotech" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: Baldwin Accujust Hitch Pins-waste end ringing, cacophony.

> Thanks, Charles, but how can that be when the waste
> end, which is of no particular, pre-designed length
> other than what it took to get it to the hitch pin,
> ( which was put wherever there was room for it )is
> vibrating along with the speaking length, adding its
> own "voice"?  I have plucked these strings and they
> bear no positive harmonic relationship to the speaking
> length whatsoever, and are quite random.

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