A sweet old lady

Piannaman@aol.com Piannaman@aol.com
Wed, 7 May 2003 00:25:22 EDT

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I just got through tuning my first square grand, an 1873 Steinway.  Special 
thanks to Jon Page, Paul Chick, and Joe Garrett for good information.  

All in all, it was nowhere near the pain I thought it was going to be.  I 
suppose many years as a bike racer has gotten me used to bending over in such 
an ungainly way that it didn't phase me too much.  

I had my oval-tipped hammer in hand ready to do battle with the beast, but 
when I opened the lid, I was almost disappointed to see square headed tuning 
pins!  Question:  could these be original?  And much to my chagrin, somebody 
had written the letters of all of the naturals on the plate next to the pins. 
 It did make my job a bit easier, I must admit, but I unnecessary and 

The hammers looked as if they had been replaced not so long ago, and they had 
a nice sound.  I proceeded with Jon's recommendation of a Broadwood Best 
temperament(per Tunelab Pocket) and set the pitch at A 435.  I hope this was 
the right thing to do, because when I arrived, it was between there and 440. 
The previous tuner had tuned it in ET at 440.  

The pins had been doped, but they didn't seem too spongy, though quite a few 
of them were springy and hard to set.  Got up to A7(the last note on the 
keyboard) and the hammer didn't hit the string.  Great!  An opportunity to 
remove the action.  It was a very simple process, and next thing I knew, I 
was examining a very simple, ingenious and beautifully made device.  At first 
I thought that the jack had broken off, but it had merely flopped forward.  I 
flopped it back.  

Put the action back in, finished tuning, put the dampers back on.  When I 
played the tone was incredibly rich and sweet, the pitch and temperament made 
the piano sing!  The owners were thrilled, and so was I. It was a worthwhile 
2 1/2 plus hours, and--I never thought I'd say this--I look forward to my 
next encounter with a square!

Dave Stahl

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